Tips for Parents to Help Your Child With Anorexia

In the winter of 2017, a debilitating illness, anorexia nervosa, destroyed my daughter’s life. The battle against this disease is intense and requires all the mental, emotional, physical and social resources that a family can muster. Although my daughter’s illness had probably been on her mind and body for several […]

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

When I asked, “Has anyone tried Saino?”; Having tasted this species of wild pig called Peccary in English and native to many of the jungles of South America, I regained some respect for my “adventurous” diet. But what brought the house down was my story of breakfasts in the American […]

Personalized Travel Adapters – The Ideal Corporate Gifts

Most of the professionals, executives, business owners, office workers, etc., have embarked on trips from one country to another for business transactions, meetings, seminars, workshops, and other business-related functions at one time or another. . As they embark on their various trips from one country to another, their phones, laptops, […]

Bully Busting 101-Part 6

Bully Busting 101 Part 6: Martial Arts When a child, adolescent or adult is bullied, they often run to the nearest martial arts school. Too often, martial arts schools are: (1) incompetent; or (2) full of bullies who like to practice with newcomers. Sometimes the school is so strict, like […]