Avoiding Foreclosure: What to Consider

The word “foreclosure” is a word that a homeowner does not want to hear because they may lose their home. This is especially true if you don’t make your monthly payments on time. When a homeowner purchases a home, they intend to make their monthly payments on time, but unforeseen […]

Departmentalization of factory overhead

The departmentalization of factory overhead means dividing the plant into parts or sections called departments or cost centers to which the expenses are charged. From an accounting point of view, dividing the plant into separate segments in some logical way provides more accurate results and better control. More accurate costing […]

Four things a meeting facilitator or leader should do

Meeting facilitation skills are important in the business environment. People who are good at facilitating or leading meetings conduct very effective meetings. In well-facilitated meetings there is little waste of time and highly productive results. Therefore, understanding what it takes to have a great meeting is critical to business success. […]

Invest or pay off the debt?

The only financial question everyone wants to know the answer to is: Am I better off investing my money or paying off debt? The answer is not as difficult as one might suppose. Although, it can get cloudy, depending on how comfortable you are with debt. The 6% rule To […]