Healthy liver, pancreas cleanse

Most people who want to do body cleansing can be conditionally divided into three categories:

I. Relatively healthy, intelligent people who want to be healthy, delay disease and aging

II. Sick people, who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal, liver, gallbladder, pancreas disorders, overweight problems, diabetes, bile reflux, food sensitivities and other chronic disorders, who are looking for a natural and non-pharmacological solution for their conditions.

third Fans of young and very thin cleaners who mask their problems of anorexia or bulimia with different cleaning techniques.

This article can help people in groups 1 and 2 to learn more about how to lower the level of internal toxicity and improve the functions of the liver and pancreas.

We live in the toxic world. What are toxins? These are substances harmful to the human body.

During the last 50 years thousands of new chemicals have been developed and many of them can be harmful to the human body.

Countless of these toxins can be acquired with water, air, food, by contact with our skin and eyes. They are part of the outside environment. Heavy metals, therapeutic drugs, industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, fertilizers, fuels, herbicides and drugs of abuse, hormones, antibiotics are some of them.

Some toxins are also produced within our body. They are end products of the body’s metabolism or these toxins are produced by microorganisms and parasites that live in humans. Bile pigments, bacterial toxins, urea, parasitic products are some of them.

The human body has a well-designed system for detoxification and this is vital to its survival.

Problems can occur either too many toxins accumulated in the body or the organs for elimination of toxins are overwhelmed and weaken due to aging or disease.

We all need cleaning. Modern men experience a pandemic of digestive disorders, dysbiosis (imbalance of friendly intestinal flora), chronic body acidity and internal toxicity. All these interrelated conditions exert a great effort on two essential alkaline glands such as the liver and the pancreas, causing deterioration, damage and disease.

So, based on common sense and clinical evidence, all cleansing techniques that decrease toxic damage to the liver and pancreas are vitally important.

In the beginning, we need to decrease the amount of toxins that go into our bodies through short fasts, an alkaline diet, organic unprocessed foods, avoiding alcohol, tobacco, over-the-counter medications, and other chemicals. In addition, we have to minimize environmental toxicity.

Fast. The human organism does not have a large amount of carbohydrates, therefore, during fasting, the organism burns its own fats and proteins, mainly muscles. Through this process, many acid products are released that cause severe heartburn throughout the body – metabolic acidosis. Acidity leads to damage of alkaline glands like liver and pancreas. Therefore, fasting for more than three days can be recommended only for relatively healthy people. The good rule of thumb is to measure the pH of saliva and urine with litmus paper during the period of any cleaning procedure to keep it above 6.6.

The next step is to boost the body’s natural detoxification through the proper work of all the organs responsible for eliminating waste, such as the liver, colon, kidneys, and skin. It is wise to focus on all of these organs at the same time.

The colon is the most abused organ and suffers from gas, constipation, parasites and Candida yeast overgrowth. All toxins from the colon go to the liver, so any liver cleanse should begin with a colon cleanse. Colon hydrotherapy (colonics), herbs, probiotics, and anti-Candida programs can be very beneficial for these purposes. The goal is not just to cleanse the colon with laxatives, but to achieve rejuvenation and restoration of friendly intestinal flora.

Friendly intestinal flora is another important organ for detoxification. The good bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract help us with proper digestion, immunity, production of some vitamins, elimination of cholesterol and heavy metals.

Most of the toxic substances that enter the human body with food and water travel to the liver, the body’s central chemical factory. There, the liver metabolizes them, making these substances less toxic, into two categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble substances through the blood go to the kidneys, and the kidneys finish the job by removing them with the urine. Many cleansing actions like drinking water, herbal teas, alkalizing healing mineral water, vegetable mixes and juices, herbs and nutritional supplements have to help the kidney to eliminate waste products.

What about fat-soluble substances and also heavy metals, pigments, cholesterol? The liver moves them all into the bile. Bile is a very important vehicle for the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Bile from the liver is known to accumulate in the gallbladder, concentrate there and release it as needed to digest fatty foods. The gallbladder bile of people with disorders of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas due to chronic body acidity becomes acidic, very aggressive and corroded due to the precipitation of bile acids.

People with chronic digestive problems such as gas, bloating, heartburn, bile reflux, abdominal cramps and pain, diarrhea/constipation often suffer from aggressive acid bile. During harsh “liver cleanses” and strong contraction of the gallbladder with olive oil, Epson salt, lemon juice, etc., a large amount of acidic bile, very aggressive and corroded from the gallbladder, filled with toxic substances, passes through the bile duct, valves ( sphincter of Oddi), merges with the pancreatic duct, and finally enriches the duodenum, the beginning of the small intestine. In its path, this toxic bile from the gallbladder, especially when mixed with very aggressive pancreatic juice, causes irritation, spasmodic contractions of the smooth muscles of the ducts, valves and intestines that cause reflux (traffic in the opposite direction), inflammation, ulcers .

During the cleanse, even healthy people can experience nausea, abdominal cramps, and heartburn. In my practice, I have observed mild attacks of pancreatitis with upper abdominal pains that were confirmed by laboratory tests after a strong “liver cleanse”. It can occur when aggressive solid bile from the gallbladder with sediment, small or large stones in the gallbladder closes the valve (sphincter of Oddi), increases pressure inside the pancreatic duct. Digestive enzymes trapped within the pancreas can become activated and begin to digest its own pancreatic tissue.

Accelerated cleansing of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas can do more harm than good. Preparing for the gallbladder flash is a good idea. Two weeks of raw and liquid alkalizing foods, drinking herbal teas, and healing mineral water to keep the pH of saliva and urine at 6.6 or higher can make bile less acidic, liquid, and easy to eliminate.

If one focuses on liver and pancreas cleansing, it would be interesting to learn about whole body cleansing in European healthy mineral spas.

Many healthy and sick people, young and old, have been visiting mineral spas throughout Europe and drinking mineral waters for healing and cleansing for hundreds of years.

The famous mineral spa is Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic. It’s hard to believe, but the first medical book on the benefits of its water on cleansing (constipation) was published in 1522. After that, many medical books and articles were printed in Europe to confirm the healing power of Karlovy mineral water. Vary.

In 1764, the salt from the vaporized Karlovy Vary spring water made it possible to distribute the water throughout the world. Czech doctors discovered that water made from genuine Karlovy Vary thermal salt had the same healing properties as the spring.

This unique mineral water consists of 40 vital minerals, trace elements and bicarbonate. European doctors through numerous experiments and clinical research find that Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water is very beneficial for safe and effective cleansing of the liver and pancreas. Why?

This water is a mineral solution that is close to human blood plasma.

Look, what are the first actions that doctors and nurses start doing in the hospital emergency room? True, they give their patients mineral solution in a vein for detoxification and rehydration. The water that is made from the genuine thermal salt of Karlovy Vary is a natural alkalizer to neutralize the acidity of the whole body. Water increases the production of bile, making it alkaline, therefore less aggressive. Liquid bile moves easily through ducts and valves. The mineral components of the water promote smooth peristaltic contractions of the gallbladder.

Czech doctors recommend drinking mineral water and walking. It is very similar to the ancient Ayurveda cleansing procedure, where people drink salt water and perform special yoga exercises until they begin to pass feces.

What else do people do for full body cleansing in healthy European mineral spas?

Colonic or colonic hydrotherapy can help get rid of toxins, yeast and parasites. To account for the Candida yeast overgrowth pandemic, there is nothing good to wash away. Colon hydrotherapy creates a proper environment and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the colon.

European School of Herbal Medicine – Phytotherapy has hundreds of years of use of herbs for liver health.

Liver herbs fall into three categories:

1. Cholagogues Promote Bile Flow

2. Choleretics are plants that support the production and excretion of bile by the liver.

3. Hepatoprotectors are plants that support liver function and help detoxification

Many herbs in the liver group have all three overlapping actions, such as barberry, burdock, dandelion, elecampane, fennel, flaxseed, ginger, corn, licorice, milk thistle, pau d’arco , mint, rosehip, rhubarb, St. John’s wort. St. John’s wort, turmeric, wild clover, yarrow, etc.

Many herbs are widely used for these purposes in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and herbal medicines in North and South America.

Acupuncture has been used in European mineral spas for the last 50 years and makes a good combination with other cleansing and healing techniques. Acupuncture improves microcirculation and the correct work of all GI organs, including the pancreas and liver, slows down cleansing reactions.

This article can give open-minded people new or very old but forgotten ideas on how to improve the health of vital organs like the liver and pancreas.

If a blockage has occurred in the bathroom, many of us call the professional plumber to avoid risks. It is advisable to perform any body cleansing under the supervision of a knowledgeable licensed professional.

The information in this article is presented for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice from a qualified licensed professional.

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