How to wear a western shirt without looking like a cowboy

There is something irresistible about a western shirt. Maybe it’s the delicate sheen of the mother-of-pearl brooches and modern vintage-style fabric. Maybe it’s deeper into some kind of primordial ideology, where real men fought with horses and carried six shots. Maybe it’s as simple as wearing a shirt with snaps is really fun to put on and take off.

But those with a wardrobe full of western-style buttons often have a downside when it comes to style. Is it possible to wear a western shirt without looking like John Wayne? Here are three tips to keep you looking modern and not like a passenger on the Oregon Trail.

3 tips for wearing western clothing in a modern world

1. Be aware of accessories. A western shirt should never be worn with any of the following: a bolo tie, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, neckerchief, book-cut jeans, or spurs. A good rule of thumb is to rock only one Old West influence at a time; This will keep you looking trendy and not dressed up. Instead, pair your western shirt with straight or skinny jeans, a pair of sneakers, and a comfortable hoodie for a vintage / modern, not Halloween feel.

2. Keep the tail out. You may have grown up learning that open tails were sloppy and rude, but this is a case where your mom’s rules don’t apply. Donning a western shirt is the quickest way to transform your modern vibe into that of a fresh-faced peasant. To resist the urge to bend over, keep your western shirt in the dedicated casual event drawer.

3. Don’t match your jeans. It’s the oldest rule in the western clothing book: For the love of all things fashionable, don’t match your blues. You will look like a fool. This is not to say that denim on denim is unacceptable; in fact, quite the opposite. But wear jeans with a wash darker than your denim shirt to avoid the “Canadian tuxedo” look.

Western shirts are a staple of men’s fashion, and for good reason. They’re flattering on everyone, comfortable, and can go from an afternoon barbecue with the guys to a night out to dance with the girls with no fuss. Just remember: use your western wisely.

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