Is it a good idea to take folic acid while trying to conceive?

A doctor will usually recommend that you take a folic acid supplement during pregnancy, but can it also be beneficial while you’re trying to conceive?

First of all, what is folic acid? It is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 and reduces the risk of neural tube defects in babies by up to 70%. Neural tube defects occur during early pregnancy, usually when a woman does not know that she is pregnant. Those first few weeks of conception are a critical stage of fetal development. Therefore, if she can take the folic acid supplement before she becomes pregnant, she can dramatically reduce this risk. It is recommended to take a folic acid supplement at least one month before conception. It is also suggested that folic acid may help reduce the risks of developing other defects in babies, such as heart defects, cleft lip and palate, among others. It might also reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women. It also helps your body make red blood cells that may prevent certain types of anemia. In addition, it plays a fundamental role in the production of DNA and the genetic map, as well as in its function and repair. They are a basic building block for cells and are really important for the rapid cell growth of the placenta. Folic acid is crucial for the development of the baby.

Starting at least a month before you want to conceive, it is recommended that you take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. You can get these supplements at any pharmacy. If you are of childbearing age, you can take it every day as part of your daily vitamin regimen, as many pregnancies are unplanned. On the other hand, avoid taking too much of this supplement. You should not take more than 1,000 micrograms per day unless otherwise directed by your doctor. This is something to consider, especially if you lead a vegan lifestyle. Whatever your current lifestyle, if you’re planning to get pregnant soon, there are changes you’ll need to make for the healthy development of your baby.

In general, you should consult a doctor before taking any supplements while trying to conceive. If you are undergoing any particular fertility treatment, such as IVF, your fertility doctor will prescribe the recommended supplements for you to take. Always be careful and take the advice of a specialist when it comes to pregnancy.

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