Make the long distance relationship work: six points to conquer the distance

Many couples are in a long distance relationship. Some find themselves in this situation because their partner has to go somewhere far away to work or study. For whatever reasons, people in this type of relationship are always in a state of anxiety. They keep wondering if it will last or not. If you belong to this group, here are several ways to make a long distance relationship work.

Be independent.

Now that your partner is miles away from you, stop worrying and start living. Just consider this an opportunity to get closer by making the most of where you live. Appreciate your place, hang out with your neighbors and share your valuable experience with them. Their independence does not mean that they can live without each other. It’s just a way to strengthen yourself and your relationship.

Be creative.

Your distance gives you the opportunity to think about your partner as a person: what he likes, what he needs and what he wants. If she’s the romantic type, why not make her personalized cards or poems? If you like art, visit a museum and share what kind of art you liked. If you collect postcards from different places, send one each week.

Be faithful.

For a long-distance relationship to work, you must live the value of loyalty. When they are away from each other, the baits come in different forms and the temptation to move away is very strong. Don’t let this ruin your relationship and ruin yourself. If you entertain distractions, you will carry this guilt for the rest of your life.

Get a fast internet connection.

This will make things easier for you. Ease your homesickness by buying a camera and a headset so you can talk like you’re right next to each other. Upload recent photos of her through a social networking site or online album and share them with him/her. Tell your partner how much you wanted to share that moment with him/her.

Let the music intrude.

Music was invented to help a person express what they feel. So send your partner an MP3 file of the song you’re currently listening to so they understand how you’re feeling that day. If you don’t have that file, a music video link may be an option. If you have limited Internet access, burn the songs to a CD and mail it to them.

Schedule your next meeting.

It always feels good to look forward to something: the next date, the next hug, the next kiss. If you can meet regularly, do so. If they can take turns traveling, that would be a better setup. In some cases, it will take months or years to wait. If you are about to give up, remember that everything will pass, including the agony of not seeing your partner for a long time.

The answer to the question, “How do you make a long distance relationship work?” can be summed up in an effective plan: you are under the same sky. As cheesy as it sounds, that line will make you realize that it’s not proximity that matters. The most important thing is how you love and how you make your partner feel loved.

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