Yorkie Potty Training Is Easy

This Yorkie potty training method is the one we use and it works for any size dog. It’s simple and it works.

Just about every dog ​​house training article you read tells you the same thing. Crate training your dog is the best way to house train him blah blah blah. God who ages, don’t you think?

That said, crate training works and I think all dogs should at least get used to a crate (whether they need to spend some time at the vet, take a plane ride, or for some other reason), but that’s about it. .

We used potty pads at first “just in case”. All dogs usually go to the bathroom shortly after waking up after each nap or first thing in the morning. So shortly after they wake up, all you have to do is ask them if they want to go outside, take them out, and then let them relieve themselves. Tell them what a good boy or girl they are and then bring them back (you can let them play for a while if you want).

Yorkie puppies (or any breed of dog) will generally need to relieve themselves within 30 minutes of eating. So try to watch them 15-30 minutes after eating and when they start to show signs that they are about to eat, follow the steps above again. “Do you want to go outside”. After they go, tell him what a good dog he is and then bring him inside (again, you can leave him outside to play if you want him not to have to come back inside).

Before you go to bed at night, you know what to do, ask them if they want to go out, etc. etc. etc. I won’t hit you over the head with the rest.

Now, at the beginning of this Yorkie potty training article, I mentioned potty pads. These puppy potty pads are designed with some kind of scent that encourages them to use it. They’re good to have on hand for times when you can’t get them out or just aren’t really committed to potty training your Yorkie. To get them used to the puppy potty pad is when you see they are about to leave, simply pick them up and place them on the pad. Easy peasy as they say.

Many dogs usually show some type of signal before going to the bathroom. Many of them will walk in a circle a few times before leaving and some will whimper. If you pay attention, it won’t take long to discover the “tell sign” of your puppies. Once you learn what it is, you will be there.

Well, there you have it. Yorkie potty training is easy. Before you dismiss it as garbage, go ahead and try it out. Works!!

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