What Does a Rainbow Kiss Mean?

Rainbow Kiss Mean While a rainbow kiss is a fun way to make your partner feel special, there are several health risks associated with it. You can pass on a number of infections from kissing without protection. Common diseases that can be spread through kissing include HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, […]

Cocker rage syndrome

We’ve all heard of it, but how many really understand what is euphemistically known as Cocker Rage? The term “rage syndrome” was originally used to describe a set of behaviors that occurred in a disproportionate number of golden cocker spaniels. It seemed to manifest itself in single colored and mainly […]

The plate: the foals are stamped

I told you. All season, I’ve looked like a turd. I warned you about the soft Indianapolis high school. I told them that any team that relies on Corey Simon to be at the center of its defensive rebuilding effort is sure to be disappointed. I’ve pointed out the ridiculously […]

Understand the benefits of franchising

Did you know that it is much easier to manage a franchise than your business? This is due to the many advantages that franchising offers over a regular business. Advantages of owning a franchise The biggest advantage of having a franchise is that it has a period of trial and […]

A brief history of die cutting

Die-cutting is an old industrial process that emerged in the early 19th century. The Industrial Revolution brought forth these machines. Since then, these machines played an important role in the mass production of various products at a faster rate and in less time. Since it was an integral part of […]