Debit and Credit: Double Entry Accounting Method

In accounting parlance, the left side of an account is called debit side. Therefore, an account with entries to the left greater than entries to the right is said to have a debit balance. The following accounts typically have debit balances: (a) Accounts receivable (b) Cash (c) Fixed Assets (d) […]

Why Buy Carbon Credit Exchange?

Purchasing carbon credits is a great way to offset carbon emissions. However, the market for carbon credits is highly fragmented. This is a result of many factors. These factors include lack of funding, limited risk management, and limited liquidity. It is a complex market, and it is difficult to get […]

Is it important to have unique domain names?

With a new website or blog, one of the contributing factors to online success was the domain chosen to represent your online presence. However, a look at some of the larger, heavily trafficked websites will easily indicate some nonsensical names. Just because names are ridiculous or meaningless doesn’t mean they […]