Modern chandeliers and their versatile features

Chandeliers have been seen as must-have lighting fixtures, due to the elegant and attractive glow they bring to rooms in a home. This ornate lighting piece had its heyday in the 19th and 20th centuries, and was a staple in most palaces and mansions in Europe and the United States. […]

Burj Al Arab

There aren’t many hotels in the world that apocryphal stories abound, but such is the status of the Burj that we could fill this book with them. You hear the one about former US President Bill Clinton sneaking into kitchens? Or the man who feels like a diver in the […]

Demand for Kitchen Linen Items

The home décor influenced industry consists of many staple products with insurmountable everyday demands, for example, curtains, bedspreads, duvets, pillows, etc. But it also includes the market for kitchen-related tableware and table linen products, and for good reason with the ever-expanding and beautiful variety of table linens and linens that […]

Home renovation, bathroom layout

There are many different aspects of home renovation, bathroom design. You don’t necessarily have to redesign your bathroom to get a fresh, updated look. For this house renovation, we change the look easily and cheaply. The steps we took for this home renovation, bathroom design were: I removed the wallpaper […]