Why use royalty free music?

When creating your own movies or just making videos for YouTube or a Facebook post, you will definitely need to add some background music. Be careful about the music you choose: YouTube and Facebook may shut down your video for copyright infringement. This happened to me when I created a […]

Brief Reports 101

Short stories are an exciting field! From the courtroom to the deposition room to the television broadcast, court reporters, deposition reporters, and captioners make it possible! Court reporting is the way to start a professional career that is crucial to the legal field, challenging and well paid. There are literally […]

Interview with author Julia Soplop

Meet Julia Soplop, author of Equus Rising: How the Horse Shaped US History. FQ: Just reading your bio, you’ve spent a lot of time documenting animal behavior around the world. What made the horse such an attractive subject to you? SOPLOP: Something that fascinates me about the horse is that, […]

Sustainability and ancestral wisdom

Perhaps you are familiar with the type of round coin or amulet with a square hole in the center that has been used in China for over two thousand years. It represents the rounded sky that circumscribes the square earth and, more importantly, a set of rational and moral principles […]