Aluminum in deodorants is harmful

Let me be perfectly clear. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that aluminum in deodorants causes cancer and Alzheimer’s. Studies to date have not found a proven relationship between the use of aluminum in deodorants and the risk of developing breast cancer. What we do know for sure is that […]

Why do you need Reiki in your life?

You are already using Reiki! You probably don’t realize it, but you have been practicing a form of Reiki therapy all your life. When it hurts, what do you do? You reach out and take the part of you that hurts. This is Reiki… seeking pain relief by channeling energy […]

Natural cure method for alcoholism

The chronic alcoholic must first and foremost make a firm resolution to stop drinking. You must abstain from alcohol at once because the habit cannot be eliminated in gradual stages. The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build body nutritional integrity soaps to prevent the desire for stimulants […]