16 essential oils for your dog

Essential oils can produce the desired result faster than herbs. One drop of peppermint oil equals 26 cups of peppermint tea. Essential oils have multiple effects in which many medications generally have only one medical property plus negative side effects. Some health professionals do not recommend applying essential oils to […]

What does your cat have in common with lions?

Cats love to scratch almost anything. All types of cats, large or small, have retracting claws except cheetahs which only have semi-retracting claws due to their running habit. In addition to using their claws for hunting, they also use them to climb trees and gain traction, so when these tools […]

Your dog the genius

Since it was about ten o’clock when we got to Avila Beach this morning, John and Shadow kindly waited while I went to get my Latte; Then we walk a half to three-quarters of a mile or so to the San Luis Pier, where the dogs can run off-leash all […]

Why do dogs like stuffed toys?

She is an amazing certified therapy dog, but she will steal the residents’ stuffed toys if you let her. Now for those of you who are handy with a needle, you can remove the padding and fill the toy with sturdy fabric – that way, it will last forever! I […]

Common Sense is your best anti-theft device

Like other crimes, a robbery can be a totally random event. However, when planned, there are certain things a thief will look for when monitoring a potential theft, and there are steps the homeowner can take to minimize this risk. Here’s a good checklist before you leave your home empty […]