Extra Large Dog Cages

Dog crates are the best options for housing your dog, especially when you are at work or out on errands, such as shopping. They keep your dog safe at times when it is not possible to keep an eye on him. It also prevents your home from becoming a mess […]

Hunting Tall Weed Muleys

When it comes to planning your next mule deer hunting adventure, you must first decide which of six favorite mule deer habitats (desert, juniper woods, low scrub, tall scrub, aspen, or evergreen) to target, then combine the correct techniques to there. Here are some tips for bagging your muley in […]

If your pet is lost

First, don’t panic, get organized. It’s much harder to find a small pet than a large one, and even harder to find a cat than a dog. Most likely your pet is scared and hiding for protection. This means that you will most likely keep quiet as well. A dog […]

Kettlebell conditioning for weight loss

Kettlebells have been around for over a century. They were especially popular with the Russian military. The 1986 Soviet Weightlifting Yearbook states that “it is difficult to find a sport that has deeper roots in the history of our people than kettlebell lifting.” In Czarist Russia, anyone who lifted weights […]