Under 65 Disabled Medicare

Many questions come up regarding Medicare, let alone when you are under 65 and disabled. The steps of things he needs to do or things he knows are not as clear as he would like them to be. If he doesn’t record everything within a government-provided window, he could be […]

Choose educational toys

How do you make sure the educational toy you buy is right for your child? As in everything, with children there are no guarantees. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when selecting children’s educational toys that can improve the chances that your choice will be well […]

a tale of dogs

My name is Shadrach, and I am a dog, a BIG, handsome, smart, smart dog. No, I’m not vain at all, that’s what my mom always tells me, so I assume it’s true. I am now 4 1/2 years old and living a great dog life! I get exceptional quality […]