Jump into the world of apps

Smartphone apps are a world unto themselves. They allow you to explore new and exciting things on a small phone or tablet screen. Many of these apps are so addictive that they keep you hooked for hours without even realizing it. If apps can do so much, why not try […]

war hobbit

A hobbit is a measure of weight equal to 168 pounds (or 4 Welsh pecks). You were probably expecting a different definition for a hobbit. I have read that the English writer JRR Tolkien was fascinated with Welsh language and customs, to the point that he designed his fictional Elvish […]

What can I see with a 60mm telescope?

60mm telescopes are usually the most popular telescopes being purchased at the moment. It is the most popular size telescope that is also sold in many department stores. Many people use their telescopes for terrestrial observation, that is, to observe only terrestrial objects. If you own a 60mm telescope, don’t […]

Amazing, shy, but not boring

Having some experience of stalking deer and trapping foxes and rabbits in England, I thought about the possibility of a hunting holiday. My wife also likes to shoot and she recently got her own deer rifle so we could consider a wide range of options. Celtic myths and historical accounts […]