Top 5 places to visit before you die

If you are one of the few who wish to travel as much as possible before leaving this world, then this is for you. Here are the top 5 places you must visit before you die. This is useful for everyone who is going to travel in the near future […]

Apple iPhone 6S Review

A few months ago, Apple released iPhone 6S and if you are not familiar with Apple’s practice, you might be confused about this new iPhone as it looks identical to iPhone 6, but don’t be afraid that they are not the same. Inside at least. There’s better hardware, an improved […]

The World Conference of Pride and Power

The World Organization of Pride and Power will host the First Annual World Pride and Power Conference in an effort to foster unity, empowerment and inclusion in SGLBT communities of African descent and their allies. Why should you wait? You must attend if you are a person of color, an […]

C Ronaldo – Pros and Cons

Although C.Ronaldo MAY seem unbeatable at the moment, there are or may be drawbacks with his style of play. So, leaving all the rubbish in trying to compare him to L.Messi, let’s take a look at C.Ronaldo. Basically Ronaldo has (or can have): PRO PROS Tremendous pace. Some people call […]

Should we increase the minimum wage?: 5 considerations

In recent decades we have witnessed a significant income gap, between the so-called, the haves and the have-nots, in this nation! While executives and CEOs always earned significantly more than employees, which is understandable, the margin/gap increased more than three times (from about 20 times to more than 60 times). […]

The Pleasures and Perils of Oil Rubbed Bronze Finishes

Bronze finishes provide consumers with very versatile colors for cabinet hardware. This range of finishes can be used in classic and contemporary hardware designs for your kitchen or bathroom. In recent years, oil rubbed bronze finishes, in particular, have become extremely popular for kitchen and bathroom accents such as cabinet […]