High-end foreclosures

With 1 in 483 households in the US facing foreclosure, it stands to reason that we ordinary people are not the only ones affected by the housing crisis. It’s just as easy to create a mountain of debt by borrowing against a multi-million dollar home as it is for a […]

Cuba, a nation of Olympic slaves

Dieudonné Lamothe, a sportsman from Haiti, ended up lost in the 5000-meter race at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. He lost the Olympic competition, but Lamothe was not assassinated by President Jean-Claude Duvalier, the dictator who became known around the world as “Baby Doc Duvalier”. During the following years, […]

How to order without regrets

A reader writes, asking how they can order without getting rid of the things they will want later on. Big question. Let’s get one thing out first. Most people think that clutter is only done during spring cleaning. But the concept of spring cleaning doesn’t make any sense. Spring is […]

How much does Beyonce weigh now?

Beyonce’s weight has ranged from 128 pounds for the movie “Dreamgirls” back to 143 pounds, which is her normal range. She had chosen to lose weight for the role in “Dreamgirls” to give the character the image and style that had changed over time. Beyonce was able to do this […]