Erin Andrew Peephole video links spread malware

ESPN sports reporter Erin Andrews never had as much coverage of her game until it emerged that there was a video of Erin Andrews naked, taken through a peephole, floating on the web. Be careful before searching for Erin Andrew Peephole’s video: Careful where you place your cursor, you end […]

Enmity against god

What should leaders do to avoid hurting church members? James 3: 13-17 (Extended Bible) Who is there among you who is wise and intelligent? So may, with your noble life, show your [good] work with him [unobtrusive] modesty [which is the proper attribute] of true wisdom. But if you have […]

How many calories do you burn in a day naturally?

How many calories do you burn in a day avoiding fat burning pills? If you want to burn calories and lose weight, do it naturally! Stay Away From All Amphetamines or Metabolic Stimulators – These Weight Loss Programs – Dietary supplements will not help you burn calories or lose weight […]