Turbinates: what you should know

Most people know about the septum and sinuses when it comes to breathing, but not many people (including most doctors) know about the turbinates. The turbinates are wing-like along the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, opposite the midline nasal septum. There are three paired structures: the lower, middle, and […]

Fail on your way to success

Life can be seen as a series of failures punctuated by high points: successes. What many don’t realize is that it follows that the greater the level of success you achieve in your life, the more failure you will experience. And we have to have both the failures and the […]

Rape erodes her voice and her power

This is a time of enlightenment. The thin layer fell away, exposing the underbelly of humanity. Old anger, violence and abuse, long held in the unconscious, are bubbling to the surface. A rash is taking place spewing pus and slime everywhere. Collective and individual wounds are revealed and unleashed. The […]