5 reasons why some continue to refuse to wear masks!

You would think that after the past year, and witnessing the terrible impacts of this pandemic, almost everyone would want to become part of the solution, instead of making the problem worse! One could understand, perhaps, in the early stages, when the former president referred to it as a hoax and offering statements, indicating his denial and his alleged beliefs, but, at this point, just not seeming, having any sense! I fully understand and appreciate the syndrome many feel, which is often referred to as pandemic fatigue, but on the other hand, being tired of it and the associated public health restrictions does not make the virus, go away, on itself. Although study after study clearly indicates that if the majority of people were wearing masks, at least, when indoors and/or unable to use social distancing (stay 6 feet apart), there is still a significant minority, who, refuse to wear a mask! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 reasons why some continue to refuse to wear masks.

1. Selfishness: Although, few would say so, one of the reasons is a degree of selfishness and a feeling that only they are important and the best interest of others is not their personal concern and/or responsibility. Only when the vast majority decide to put the health and well-being of others before their own / selfish, this pandemic will be unnecessarily prolonged!

2. Stupidity: It may sound harsh, but the reality is that you can’t fix it, stupid! If you’re not willing to be part of the solution and become part of the problem, stupidity can be a contributing factor instead! This does not mean lack of intelligence, but rather that he refuses to use facts effectively and is guided by his personal opinions!

3. Create false facts: In our digital world, where it seems, many receive their news, from social networks, publications and so-called news, instead, potentates, many false facts! I recently noticed a post where the claim was the CDC now says masks don’t help but in fact that never happened!

4. Refuse to go deeper: Common sense should tell us, masks are effective, for many reasons, but especially because, for example, we have experienced the lowest number of cases of influenza, during this period, in recent memory! Doesn’t it make sense, airborne viruses will be resisted, significantly, when people wear masks? We need, our citizens, to dig deep and respect the big picture!

5. Narcissistic: No matter how narcissistic one can be, it really isn’t, all about you! Until we get close to herd immunity, after about 70% or more are vaccinated, we all need to keep going, following the advice of public health experts, because science really does matter! Forget your blade, apologies!

While it doesn’t seem like it would be hard to do, we need more people, cooperative and wearing masks, if we are to beat this virus and return to some semblance of normalcy. Are you willing to be part of the solution?

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