5 ways to reduce home heating costs

Whether one owns their own home or some type of commercial property and/or both, heating costs and energy expenses are often significant. While it is important to ensure that your system is working properly and effectively, and is well maintained, etc., there are a number of simpler, more basic considerations that could significantly factor into how best to address this important factor. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 6 key issues and areas that can have a significant impact, managing overall energy costs, etc.

1. Setback thermostat: No matter how committed and diligent one may be, most people forget to adjust the thermostat from time to time, when it could make the biggest difference, for good! A simple, basic, easy, inexpensive and time-tested approach is to install setback thermostats, which automatically adjust the temperature, based on weather-related needs. The best of these have several periods during a day when temperatures can be adjusted.

two. Seal Air – Leakage: When a residence leaks air, some of your heating dollars are actually — and figuratively — flying, out the window, etc. Professional studies and evaluations have shown much of our heat, leaks, when there are leaks. Some of the common areas include: behind the outlets; under and around exterior doors, through leaky windows, etc. A simple “fix” is to remove the plug covers and install a basic bottom cover to restrict air loss from here. Many do not realize the amount of debris in this area! Seal and trim door – sweeps etc to make them more energy friendly! Similarly, annually caulk and seal around windows and, if necessary, put additional winter seals around some old and failing windows, or upgrade to more energy efficient ones.

3. Keep your thermostat set 2 degrees cooler than usual: If you normally keep your house at 72 degrees, set that period to seventy, instead, and do it on all settings. Your realized savings will be significant and you will adjust to the slightly cooler temperatures. When you’re gone, even for a few days, reset your thermostat to adjust and lower overall house temperatures to save a significant amount of money.

Four. Close doors and windows: When you go out, even for a short time, close the doors. If you open a window, such as a bathroom, kitchen, etc., remember to close it after you have ventilated the area.

5. Preventive maintenance and filter cleaning: Make sure you have preventative maintenance done on your heating system before the colder weather hits. Have all filters, etc. checked and adjusted as needed and required!

Consider these 5 simple keys to home heating costs. Will you become a wise homeowner?

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