An astrological look at Stephen King’s birth chart

Every day, I like to look at celebrity birthdays and post a few on Facebook and Twitter. We all love to look for aspects of ourselves in the personality of a celebrity who shares our birthday, right? Today, September 21, I noticed a trend of excellence in thinking and communication skills. Next, I pulled one of my favorite books off the shelf, Love Cards by Robert Camp, and looked for the September 21 card. Camp assigns a title to each card, which I’ve found uncannily accurate in summing up each card’s personality. I had to laugh when I saw that September 21 is the Three of Clubs, the card Camp calls “The Writer’s Card.”

A wildly popular and successful writer who was born today is an excellent example of the Three of Clubs. In the Camp destiny card system, the three are very creative and imaginative and the clubs rule communication. Stephen King is truly a king in his chosen field. I must admit that although I am a voracious reader, I have only read a small portion of his prolific literary offering because his writing makes me bite my nails and sit on the edge of my seat. It may take me a few days to shake off the discomfort that reading his novels generates in me. When I looked at his birth chart today, a lot of things immediately jumped out at me that made me think, “Oh sure,” and I’ll share a few with you. So much is obvious to indicate his unique talent and his remarkable career that it’s hard to know where to begin.

Writing ability and a fertile imagination that can spin a good story can often be found in a busy third house within the natal chart. The Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all in King’s third house, indicating that he likes to write and enjoys it as naturally as a duck to water. Neptune in the third is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication, in your fourth house of origin. The fourth house is also the seat of the soul and the psychological foundation of a person. His Mercury is in Libra, the air sign that contemplates the polarities of self versus other and examines the myriad aspects of human interaction. Venus, Neptune, Mercury are all in Libra, but their Sun is in a late degree of Virgo. The earthy influence and detail-oriented nature of a Virgo Sun help you bring together the many thoughts and impressions that Libra influences generate and distill them into a cohesive story. Libra energy can also help guide the reader in one direction and then another. Appearances can definitely be deceiving and things are not what you think they are is another way of translating King’s Mercury/Neptune conjunction.

Another house to examine for signs of creative ability is the fifth. Here, the King’s Moon in adventurous Sagittarius is sextile Mercury. He literally loves to write. Writing is an emotional release for him and possibly more of an escape than a work assignment. His Moon in the fifth also opposes Uranus in the eleventh house of friends and groups. The eleventh house is his audience and Uranus is a planet with electrical and erratic influence. King surprises his audience with his brilliant ability to generate disturbing emotions as his stories unfold. Some, like me, may find the emotions that their work arouses too uncomfortable. However, there are other aspects that allow you to be well received and get away with pushing the limits. One of these is the Moon at fifth trine Saturn/Pluto in dramatic Leo in the first house of self. Saturn rules mortality, longevity, pain, suffering, and sadness. Some archetypes of Saturn are Father Time and The Grim Reaper. Pluto can be power, fear, death and transformation, resurrection, Hades, Hell, everything dark, disturbing, taboo, hidden and repressed. Leo rules the fifth house of creativity where the King’s Moon sits, so the supportive flow of lunar energy towards Saturn/Pluto in the first makes it a dramatic presenter of exciting and disturbing emotions having to do with fear, pain and death. King also has Jupiter in the fruitful water sign of Scorpio in the fifth, semi-sextile with his Sun in the third, indicating that his creativity and writing can be prolific and profitable. However, with Jupiter square Saturn/Pluto in the former, success may not have been easy. Persistence, persistence and hard work always got him to where he is now. Scorpio rules the metaphysical, the paranormal, and the supernatural. Another aspect that makes his work appeal to many is the King’s Jupiter in Scorpio at fifth trine Mars in sensitive Cancer in the twelfth house of the subconscious and the collective of society. I suspect that King can feel the fear in his body as he believes it in his writing. I wonder: does his hair stand on end, does he get goosebumps, does he have to get away from his writing and walk around a bit before he can re-craft the perfect words that will give his readers goosebumps? ? He may get some of the real nightmare ideas from him and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that some of his best writing takes place in the wee hours, when thoughts naturally turn to what he lurks in the closet or under the bed. bed. Above all, he understands the part of us that he likes to be afraid of and approaches that part as a good understanding friend. We must like how Stephen King scares us because we buy A LOT of his books!

To top off his chart, King has the initiative fire sign of Aries in his midheaven. He is a pioneer in his genre and stands out above others in his field. I’ve read novels based solely on the fact that I saw a Stephen King endorsement on the cover. His reputation and fame as a writer are such that he has a following of devoted readers, and deservedly so. Stephen King’s life path, as indicated by his Lunar North Node in Taurus in the eleventh house of his birth chart, is to bring something material and tangible to the masses. King lacks a strong enough influence in the ninth house of publishing to ensure his books get printed, but his industrious and stubborn Lunar North Node in Taurus combined with his powerfully determined Saturn/Pluto in royal Leo refuses to be ignored. His attitude toward the publication of his earliest stories may well have been: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Her Lunar North Node in Taurus in his eleventh house and his Jupiter in Scorpio in his fifth house are feminine and fruitful, helping King produce a great deal of work for his esteemed readers.

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