Are there any tricks to potty training a ferret?

After extensive research, you are now sure that a ferret is the best pet for you. Very good, they are a very endearing and entertaining pet that can brighten most people’s lives and homes. Like cats, ferrets can be trained to use a litter box. Before you fully open your home to your ferret, let me offer you some precautions to take.

A new animal should not be allowed to run loose in your home just yet. Allow him to become familiar with the new environment while within the safety and security of his cage until he feels that he is not comfortable and no longer feels threatened. Litter box training should also be done before releasing them. The amount of time it will take to do this varies from ferret to ferret. Generally, trained ferrets will use the litter box 75% of the time, although there are some ferrets that do 100%. Lest you be surprised, expect to find gifts around the house from time to time. Remember that litter box training can last several days or several weeks, so be prepared. Of course, the more time you put into litter box training, the faster you’ll get a litter box literate ferret. It may be best to start training by letting your ferret loose inside a small room, such as a bathroom. Since ferrets usually leave within minutes of waking up or eating, be sure to put your newly awakened ferret in the litter box. Keep him there until he leaves and once he does, give him a treat. The idea is to associate entering the box with receiving treats. Never physically punish a ferret for any reason, especially if it has accidents around the house. Doing this will result in a fear of you and an inability to associate what he did with the punishment. If you prefer to let your ferret run around your house during training, then be prepared to follow him by doing a clean patrol.

Ferret testing your home is another prerequisite for letting your ferret loose in the house. It simply means that you need to make sure that all the places your ferret will be roaming are safe for him. These are tiny, curious creatures that will certainly explore the smallest spaces they can get into. If your head fits, then you can be sure your body will follow. Begin the ferret test by rolling over on your hands and knees to check for these small openings. Check each room the ferret will enter. This will include appliances, furniture, and just about anything with a hole that serves as an access port. Remember that the ferret is a good climber, so you can imagine all the trouble it can get into, from falling into spinning fans to getting caught in vents. Diapers are a particular concern as they can chew up and get all the way to the springs.

Many ferret owners expect their pets to run around the house for more exercise. You, on the other hand, as a new ferret owner, will need to first ensure that your ferret will be safe wherever you allow it access. Once you have your house ferret-proofed and your furry friend is litter box trained, letting him run around and enjoying the house can be really rewarding.

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