How to write a critical appraisal of a poem

Critical appreciation of a poem is defined as critical reading of a poem. The meaning of their words, their rhyme, outline, the speaker, figures of speech, references to other works (intertextuality), the style of language, the poet’s general writing style (if mentioned), the genre, the context, the speaker’s tone and […]

Important characteristics of an ideal wheel

There is a common question that often plagues both car owners and aspiring car owners. This question has often been: how important is a wheel to a car? The other closely related question is what is more important, the wheel or the tire? Or which of the two should be […]

Canterbury School – Academic Excellence in Fort Myers

Canterbury School is an independent coeducational private day school in Fort Myers, Florida that claims the distinction of sending 100 percent of its graduates to colleges or universities. With such high academic statistics, it is not surprising that Canterbury students are regularly admitted to select universities across the country, including […]

Immigration lawyer

Having a qualified immigration attorney to protect you is increasingly critical. Every day politicians and the media highlight immigration issues. The debate around Deferred Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the fate of DREAMers continues. Threats against immigration quotas and so-called Sanctuary Cities are intensifying. The president’s proposed construction of a border […]

3 powerful tips for Facebook marketing

Finding a good place to market and advertise your products, services, and websites is like a dream come true for online advertisers. With the emergence of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, people today have ample opportunities to advertise online. Among all the social media websites, Facebook advertising has […]

The 5 best technological universities

Many students have asked us which universities are the best schools for engineering and computer science. Using a weighted average of faculty resources, technology grants, class size, and student grades, we have developed the following checklist to help guide students and parents through the admissions process. The list provides a […]

LSAT Tips You Should Know

If you are taking the LSAT test, make sure you take enough time to prepare for the test. This will help you get a better idea of ​​your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, you will be able to focus your efforts on the areas that require the most attention. After […]