Great Ways to Use Essential Oils for Your Dog

Here are some simple ways to prevent health problems for your dog. Young Living essential oil products are natural ways to promote health, naturally prevent pests, and help stop tooth decay. Please note that not all essential oil brands are processed to Young Living standards, and if you use other […]

The 5 types of Schnauzers

Schnauzers are a popular breed of dog that has been around for hundreds of years, dating back to the 15th century in Germany. The name schnauzer may seem strange to English speakers, however the word “schnauze” is the German word for muzzle, so it makes perfect sense as the schnauzer […]

What is a "Underfoot" Dog?

Simply put, an “Underfoot” dog is a small breed of dog that can be seriously injured if stepped on. Some of the more popular small breeds include the Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Miniature Poodle, Maltese, Shih Tzu, and the ever-popular Yorkshire Terrier, known as the Yorkie. There is a high demand for […]

Does your puppy or dog have OCD?

Does your puppy or dog have OCD? Do you suffer from a canine obsessive-compulsive disorder? If they have the urge to unconsciously perform repetitive, self-compensating and inappropriate behaviors, such as chasing shadows / lights, tail chasing, flicking flies, barking, sucking, chewing, fixating on certain objects, and spinning excessively, then the […]