Premier SpraySense Anti-Bark Dog Collar Review

Eliminate or control your dog’s annoying barking with the Premier SpraySense Anti-Bark Collar for Dogs. This dog collar uses patented Spraylogik technology with proven behavior modification systems, providing an effective way to train dogs against excessive barking and other unwanted actions such as digging, jumping on the table, and leaving […]

10 fun facts about long-haired cat breeds

Long-haired cats are known for their beauty and bright but industrious coats. Popular breeds include the glamorous Balinese, the loving Himalayas, the almost-dog Maine Coon, the water-loving Turkish Van, and the quintessential Persian. If you are a lover of long-haired cat breeds, read on for 10 fun facts about long-haired […]

This is why you should adopt a cat

When people decide to have a cat as a pet, they are faced with the dilemma of adopting or buying one. You can always buy a kitten from a well-known cat breeder, which is the best option if you are going for a purebred feline. However, there are several reasons […]

Is Your Yorkshire Terrier Obsessed?

Yorkshire Terriers are cute little terriers that can be a bit “quirky.” Trying to determine if the Yorkie is just “being a Yorkie” or obsessed can be relatively simple, and well … fun! That wacky, quirky behavior could also be due to serious medical issues. Here are some tips to […]

5 reasons why some people prefer cats to dogs

Cats are not that loud Dogs will bark at passersby, other animals, and when they can’t get their favorite toy under the couch. No matter what the reason, the continuous barking can be annoying to even the most passionate dog lovers. On the other hand, cats also make noise, especially […]

Should SeaWorld be closed?

The politically correct crowd has pointed to the extinction of another business. SeaWorld has been criticized for the way it treats its whales and dolphins. It has been claimed that animals are treated unfairly and keeping them in captivity is cruel and unusual punishment. On the contrary, no evidence of […]