Why are poodles popular?

The Breed of Poodle Popularity Poodles are a very popular breed of dog. Poodles became the most popular breed in America holding the number 1 position from 1960 to 1982 according to the American Kennel Club. This is a 22-year reign being the number 1 dog breed, the longest reign […]

Is a Bavarian Mountain Hound the dog for you?

I had never heard of a Bavarian Mountain Dog before my partner Anton broached the subject of getting one. We already had two black Labradors, a terrier and two cats. As for me, our family of animals was complete. All of our animals worked. The two Labradors worked with Anton […]

High-end foreclosures

With 1 in 483 households in the US facing foreclosure, it stands to reason that we ordinary people are not the only ones affected by the housing crisis. It’s just as easy to create a mountain of debt by borrowing against a multi-million dollar home as it is for a […]

What your profile picture says about you

Your profile picture is the first impression you make on the world and the one you choose really says a lot about you, whether you realize it or not. I’ve been spending a lot of time on social media websites lately, like Facebook and Twitter, and I’ve noticed a few […]

Oh thank god the Border Collie is here

I came across a joke the other day; He said Border Collies are expensive to maintain because they don’t reach their full potential unless they are allowed to graduate from an Ivy League school. Given that these dogs routinely score at the top of intelligence tests, I can almost believe […]

Lucky "Lucky" Take the title of Top Dog

With the best dog in dog shows announced last Sunday, we can be pretty sure that the owners of Caitland Isle Take a Chance weren’t “taking a chance” on dog and pet insurance. While we enjoyed seeing the most pampered dogs in the Kingdom strut your stuff, we can also […]