Siamese Cats – Do You Really Want One?

Are you ready and able to receive Siamese cats in your heart and in your home? Where should you start? With more personality. Siamese cats can require a lot of maintenance, more than most house cats. Don’t let this put you off, because when it comes to purebreds, they don’t […]

Bluetick Coonhound Dog Breed Profile

Description: The Bluetick Coonhound is a medium-sized dog that shows a greater size difference between the sexes than most dogs. The dog will be 22 to 27 inches at the withers, and the bitch will be 2 inches shorter. However, while the dog’s weight can reach 80 pounds, the female […]

Ten reasons why cocker spaniels lick

Why do cocker spaniels lick and is it harmful? Licking is a natural behavior that dates back to the wolf. When the mother wolf returned from hunting her food, the cubs in her pack licked her mouth and face to stimulate regurgitation. This is normal behavior during the weaning stages. […]