Who is the real champion, Android or IOS?

The digital battle continues as Google’s Android titans and Apple’s iOS compete for ever-growing smartphone and tablet users around the world. Android and iOS are the operating systems that are mainly used in mobile technology. To this day, these two giants maintain a duopoly with 99% of smartphone sales. Android […]

7 ways to make money with Minecraft

Think you can’t earn money playing your favorite video game? Have you ever been told that all those hours you spent in Minecraft were a waste of time? Okay, think again, now you too could be making money from home. But how do I hear you ask, how is it […]

Tri-Wing Screws on Wii U: Questions and Answers

If you’ve ever tried to disassemble the Wii UI, I’m sure you’ve noticed that there are screws holding it in place that require a Y-shaped screwdriver to remove. These types of screws are known as tri-wing screws and are sometimes referred to as Nintendo screws. The reason they are known […]