Pink mobile phones – Special for women

There are different phone manufacturing companies in the market. All the leading phone brands, be it Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, LG and many others, know very well that girls like pink colors. Thus, they have presented their different latest models in pink. The color pink has an irresistible charm […]

John’s Crazy Socks

Down syndrome is caused by a genetic defect on the twenty-first chromosome. It is also known as trisomy 21 because most affected people have a third copy of the chromosome, so appropriately March 21 (3/21) is Down syndrome day. There are many people who have to deal with living with […]

Smart tips for filing your taxes

The tax deadline is fast approaching, and many people who have never done their own taxes before are nervous when they file their first return. According to the IRS, 25% of all taxpayers wait until the last two weeks before the due date to prepare their tax returns. If you […]

the third hand

“No man has seen the third hand that springs from the center, close to the heart…” (from the poem “Mystique” by David Ignatow) While not something I write about explicitly, I had an experience several years ago that changed my life. When I was in law school I was severely […]