Causes and effects of global warming

Do I need to elaborate things further? Do I have to tell you that we are all on the verge of massive mortal danger due to the global phenomenon called Global Warming that continually manifests its wrath against the planet? Of course yes. Although the effects are imminent, there are still thousands of idiots who do not believe it and keep pushing the use of those things that make everything much more difficult for us. How come they don’t know these things? The answer is that it’s not that they don’t know, in fact, they knew very well, but the problem is that they labeled it “cheating” or they’re just too busy living their lives struggling to continually provide them with the comfort they’re experiencing. right now they refuse to believe it’s happening. Remember, refusing to believe things means that you are afraid of them. That’s why you don’t believe it or force yourself to believe it’s not true. It makes a lot of sense if I say it like that.

How do you solve this problem? This is very simple. To solve it you must learn more about it. You must truly understand cause, effect and everything else. A better understanding of the problem, the cause of the problem and other things in between would lead to better and lasting solutions. Therefore, if you want to know how to solve the problem of global warming, you should learn more about it. Now, don’t google it just yet. Just read below.

Planet Earth naturally has carbon gases in its atmosphere. The amount present in the atmosphere is sufficient to fulfill a given purpose. These gases trap the sun’s heat, but only in sufficient quantities for all living things on the planet to survive the night. Without this process, we would all freeze to death when night falls.

But due to man’s continuous effort to push technology to create new comforts for men, fossil fuel has become the most widely used mineral on the planet. Used for fuel and power and other methods. These minerals produce by-products, carbon gases. These would add to the already sufficient amount of carbon in the atmosphere, pushing the notch up, well past the limit, thus trapping more heat. As a result, the global temperature rises, and these just a small increase in normal global temperature spell disaster: melting glaciers, rising sea levels, freak typhoons and hurricanes, and other natural calamities. These are all results of rising global temperatures.

If we don’t act now, we would enter a phase where the damage we have done is no longer reversible. That means it’s all over for us. We would soon see the gradual but violent destruction of the planet before our very eyes.

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