Checklist for sale by owner

Many believe that to get the best price on the home, they need to be sold. Why pay thousands of dollars to work as a broker, can you do it for yourself? Although nearly 25 percent of the homes were sold last year, the owner’s sales said at least half a professional next time.

This does not mean that you cannot complete a successful sale without a professional, but the owner must understand the risks and be as organized and knowledgeable about the sale process as any other agent. Here are some key points to consider before deciding to fly solo

property value

The realistic price of your home is essential to the successful sale of your property. If it’s too low a price, you can potentially lose money. If the price is too high, you can also lose money due to the cumulative cost of the home staying on the market longer. Two years ago when I sold my house there was a final sale by the owner in the same neighborhood. The property was way more expensive than it was worth and the last time I knew the place was still for sale.

Determining the value of your home requires a thorough understanding of your market. You can start comparing similar properties for sale or recently sold in your area. It is probably a good idea to hire an expert to give you an accurate market value.


A good broker will promote their home on their own website, the MLS website, in print and by word of mouth. You have to compete with this strategy to effectively promote your property. Your home should stand out from all other listings and the agents should sell, the higher the cost to market.

A good place to start is with one of the many online homeowner sales sites that offer reasonable advertising packages. You can also promote a cash incentive from the sale started by a realtor, or you can experience some open scattered homes.


One of the biggest contributors to a home staying on the market longer than necessary is the owner’s lack of commitment to seeing the home regularly, and that includes organizing and promoting open houses. You must spend a certain period of time each day to sell your home.

Dealing with clients

Real estate agents are one thing who very effectively filter serious buyers into storefronts or low ball. You will learn to deal with these people and not fall for an offer that you will regret later.

Provide useful information to the potential buyer that is prepared for their credibility. A real estate agent is still waiting behind the scenes to answer questions about financing options, the cost of home repairs in relation to acquisitions, recommendations for home inspectors, attorneys, etc.

Meet the experts

Familiarize yourself with the inspectors, attorneys and representatives involved in the title of your sale. You don’t want the process to be delayed, choosing the wrong people to treat.

Legal information

The closings have been reduced due to inaccurate or incomplete paperwork. Have the necessary legal documents ready and learn about the process inside. Financial incentives or inclusions must be documented, signed and dated, verbal agreements do not count.

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