Christians are like sheep: what does that mean?

An exegetical fallacy commonly committed today is to overextend a metaphor or overextend the semantic range of a word to include more meanings than its original context gives it. In other words, loading a word or metaphor with more meaning than the author intended it to have, because by overloading it, you can use it to make your own points. Many well meaning preachers and teachers are guilty of this, and I may be committing the same crime in the following. However, I have made some interesting observations of sheep during my time in Africa so far.

The Scriptures commonly refer to Christians as sheep. In the United States, I think the importance of this comparison is often overlooked, if not lost entirely. I am no longer convinced that it is intended as a compliment. I have found that sheep are the least intelligent of all the domesticated animals I have seen. Free range farming in this part of Africa, and when I say free range, I use the term loosely. What I really mean is that people let their animals roam freely all over the place without any kind of restriction. Due to this approach to raising livestock, it is common to see goats, chickens, cows and sheep in the middle of the road. While goats, cattle, and chickens have the common sense to run off the road at the sight of an approaching vehicle, sheep do not seem to be hurt by this foresight. Instead, they will stay in the middle of the road, or worse yet, run from the side of the road into the middle as if trying to get hit.

In addition to their lack of intelligence, the sheep also appear to be completely incapable of taking care of themselves. Again, consider the conditions under which livestock is provided (or not provided) here. When they are born, sheep are some of the cutest little things I have ever seen. Most are pure white with a smooth coat of fur. But in a matter of weeks they become the most unpresentable creatures. The white fur gets dirty quickly, and the sheep seem unconcerned (unlike most other animals) with keeping themselves clean. Within a month, sheep usually turn this grotesque shade of brown and are covered in all sorts of substances that I won’t mention in this article. They are aimless, pitiful-looking creatures that wander around all day and barely stay alive.

Now contrast this with the “Precious Moments” image of a cute little sheep with some Bible verse that compares Christians to the cute little animal in the image. I think this may say more about how we see ourselves as Christians than how God intended this metaphor to be used. Is it possible that we have misapplied this idea in our heads and have become pure and innocent (if sometimes a little misguided) people who are too cute to be mean?

Instead, after observing sheep for the past few months, I am convinced of a new reality. We are an aimless group that, without the daily guidance and protection provided by the Great Shepherd, we would not have the means to take care of ourselves. We’d be in a ditch, needing a way out. We are powerless, but we serve a God who is powerful.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep… I know mine and mine know me. (John 10:11-14)

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