Common Jack Russell Behavior Problems and What to Do About Them

Excessive barking. Barking is a completely natural habit for a dog, and Jack Russells tend to be a bit hazel than most breeds. But there are times when barking just isn’t appropriate, so for your own sake and that of your neighbors, you need to rein it in.

The first thing to do is determine why the dog is barking in the first place. There can be many reasons for this, but the biggest ones for the Jack Russell are boredom and anxiety. Boredom can be easily fixed by giving your dog a variety of chews to keep him entertained. Try buying hollow nylon chews that you can fill with peanut butter; this works great.

Anxiety is a bit more difficult to manage. If there is something in the environment that intimidates your dog, for example a neighbor’s dog, block it off with curtains or fences. If the anxiety is a consequence of being separated from you, the appropriate treatment is to slowly get your dog used to being alone. Leave it for very short periods at first, then come back with a reward. Slowly increase the time the dog is left alone.

jumping This can actually be quite scary for many people, even with a small dog like a Jack Russell, and it’s also just plain annoying. This is usually caused by overexcitement. The solution is to make sure the dog gets his fair share of excitement throughout the day through play and exercise, so he doesn’t end up releasing all his pent-up energy on unsuspecting guests. Start taking more walks, play games that tire your dog out like Fetch, and teach him to sit on command.

destructive behavior This habit, like barking, is often the result of boredom or separation anxiety. If you leave a puppy alone in your room all day, you shouldn’t be surprised when you come home with a pair of chewed-up shoes. For a young dog, keep him in a puppy pen when you have to leave him alone. For older dogs, this is often a bad habit that was formed in puppyhood and was never trained. Starting a formal training regimen with a disobedient dog will help set some boundaries. Also, deal with your dog’s boredom by increasing playtime and physical activity, and providing some new treats and toys. Toy variation and mental stimulation is important to an intelligent breed like the Jack Russell.

Aggression. This can be a real problem with Jack Russells, whether it be aggression towards certain people, strangers, other dogs, or around food and toys. It is often a sign of a lack of socialization and is common among some rescue dogs. But a sudden change in behavior toward aggression in a generally friendly dog ​​can also be a sign of injury or illness. If the aggression comes on suddenly, contact your vet. If this is an ongoing problem, try slowly introducing the dog to environments and situations where he may act aggressively, providing treats and rewards to develop a positive association.

biting. This is particularly a problem in puppies, but can also be a problem with older dogs. To stop biting play, all you need to do is hold your puppy’s mouth closed for a few seconds, say “No” firmly, and then pop a chewy treat or toy into his mouth. This lets you know what to chew on instead of human skin. If you have an adult dog with a biting problem, this is a serious matter that will likely require the skills of a professional trainer.

Running away. Jack Russells are born hunters, and they were made to dig, so they will dig, even if it means digging under your fence. Dogs’ tendency to wander is usually inspired by natural urges to go looking for a mate. The tendency can be greatly reduced by castration and spaying. There are also many other health benefits to neutering your dog. On top of that, you should escape-proof your home and backyard, using chicken wire when necessary to prevent your dog from digging under fences.

hyperactivity Jack Russells are quite hyperactive by nature, but many are excessively hyperactive because their owners don’t help them release their energy. If your dog is excessively hyperactive, it is very likely that he needs more exercise. Add an extra walk to your exercise regimen, make the walks longer and more challenging, teach your dog to swim, and start playing lots of games. Maybe invest in a tennis ball launcher to help you launch a ball farther in a game of Fetch. This is the only way your Jack Russell will tire before you do.

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