Create an email marketing system you can be proud of

I know many of you are curious about email marketing. What it is, how to do it, it’s still working in 2019. I thought instead of my little articles, I’d put together a more comprehensive resource that answers all of your questions.

This article will focus on what it is and why you want to do it.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing uses simple and straightforward emails to sell your products and services. It can be as simple as emailing people about your offer, or a complex, multi-layered, finely tuned system. For now, let’s keep it simple.

Let’s say you have an offer. How do you use email to get it to the people who might want it?

You could send unsolicited emails to people. It’s complicated, people don’t like being spammed, but it can work.

Or you could make people come to you. On your website, ask people to sign up for your email list. You can then send them emails about your offer.

They both have pros and cons.

And both must be done well; otherwise, she will be running around and getting nowhere.

But that’s okay. After all, that’s why you’re here.

Is Email Marketing still working in 2019?

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer:

Many people will tell you that email is dead. They’ll say Facebook killed him or whatever. However, they have been saying things like this for decades and the statistics do not support them. Despite all these new platforms, email not only survives, it thrives.

There are currently more than 3.8 billion email users. By 2022, it is expected to rise to 4.3 billion. That’s a tasty market, bigger than any social media platform.

Email volume is also trending upwards. In 2017, 269 billion emails were sent per day. By 2022, it is expected to reach 333 billion. So yes, people still email each other.

But the most important:

The return on investment for email marketing is also increasing. In 2018, every dollar spent on email marketing generated $32.28, an increase of $2.25 from the previous year. Not only is it worth it, but the reward is increasing.

But why?

The secrets behind the rise of email

Email has many advantages over social media:

Is personal. On Facebook and Twitter, you get bombarded with ads you don’t want. With email, any ads you don’t want are likely going straight to your spam folder. You control your inbox and who can send you messages, something social networks often lack.

Your email list is yours. Social media can shut you down without warning. Do you think that only happens to racists? Think again: enough outrage (real or fabricated) against you for these platforms to shrug their shoulders and abandon you. If that happened, you would have to start over. But with email, even if it’s banned (which is highly unlikely), you could take your list to another provider.

It is useful. Sure, we probably get too many emails these days. It’s still one of the best ways to stay informed and stay in touch.

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