Do you want to produce more semen? Loosen your shorts and eat your spinach to increase your cum amounts!

Are you having difficulty getting your wife pregnant? Low sperm count and inadequate semen volume may be a contributing factor. Do you want to produce more semen? Even if you’re not trying to start a family, producing more semen can greatly enhance the pleasures of sex. A larger volume of semen will not only create more intense orgasms, but it will also recover faster between each orgasm, allowing for multiple rounds of pleasure for both of you. Increasing semen volume may not be as difficult as it seems. It could be that all you need to do is loosen your shorts and eat your spinach to increase your semen amounts! Of course, there may be some other things you need to include.

Why loosen shorts? It is well established that heat actually slows down sperm production. You can keep your testicles cooler by wearing baggy briefs instead of tight-fitting briefs. Also wear baggy pants when possible. These small and simple suggestions will go a long way in helping to bring the temperature down around your testing.

The next step is to make sure your body is getting the proper nutrients. Amino acids are necessary to produce good amounts of healthy sperm and also to increase the amount of semen you produce. A good source of amino acids is spinach. Be sure to include plenty of spinach, as well as other amino acid-rich foods such as tuna, turkey, sesame seeds, and egg whites in your diet.

Zinc is another mineral that can be helpful and can be found in foods like lamb, oysters, and red meat. In addition to eating the proper nutrients, you’ll want to drink plenty of water. Dehydration will surely be detrimental to semen and sperm production.

Of course, certain foods should also be avoided. Refined foods, such as sugar and white flour, should be avoided, as should most processed foods. Reduce or eliminate caffeine, and drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation. If you are a smoker, this will be a good excuse to quit.

The first thing to do is take a daily supplement designed to increase semen production. Even if you make all the necessary changes to your diet, you’ll probably still need a little extra help to give your body the building blocks needed to create lots of healthy sperm and deliver them with plenty of semen. The right herbal supplements can make sure that happens. Loosen your shorts and eat spinach to increase the amount of semen, but most importantly, take a good herbal supplement every day!

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