Domestic Violence and Child Custody – Legal Psychiatric Tricks from Divorce Lawyers

When divorce and domestic violence go to court, children can often serve as a vehicle for perpetrators to save face and maintain control over the family. Sounds familiar?

If you are in family court with an abusive partner, or an abusive former partner, and children are involved, you will want to know what this article reveals. This is how your children can be exploited to carry out a perpetrator’s agenda in family court.

Lay the groundwork for maintaining control over the family

Let’s say the perpetrator states that he wants to ask the court for sole custody of his minor children whom he has also abused, either directly or indirectly. In many cases, this supposed question can occur even if the perpetrator is not a candidate for custody.

Now, once the allegation is in court, and usually for a long time (it can be years), the manhunt begins, even though an alleged custody battle isn’t technically underway.

What is underway is a mission to create a scenario to establish that the perpetrator (whether or not a candidate for custody by law) is in fact a person eligible for custody because:

a) this parent is the only remaining parent

b) the other parent is crazy or delinquent

c) this father is a victim of parental alienation syndrome

…or any combination of the above.

We typically see lawyers looking to set points b and c in combination as this makes the case more substantial. And furthermore, this strategy is often the best first step in carrying out the perpetrator’s mission of removing the protective father from the lives of his children.

Freaking Out Doing Legal Psychiatric Tactics

Now, if after the psychiatric evaluations, there is no evidence that the mother (the gender that most often occupies this position) is “crazy” because the evaluating psychiatrist cannot or will not find any psychiatric pathology, then there is rush to find, or create-“madness” in children.

The strategy here is that if we cannot prove that the mother is crazy, we will establish that the children are crazy or are going crazy under her care. This is how children become victims in an abuser’s use of court to control and beat his victims.

Now, driving a child crazy can take days, months, or years. And if there are two or more children involved, making more than one child psychologically unstable makes for an even stronger case, even if you are the acknowledged psychological parent of your children.

If you have witnessed this legal psychiatric ploy in your divorce proceedings or glimpsed its coming, learn how to block it and protect yourself and your children before the ploy gets out of hand.

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