Educating a conventional oncologist

After writing my second article on Patrick Swayze’s tragic misplaced belief in mainstream medicine, a mainstream oncologist followed me to CureZone and reprimanded me with the following message:

I have worked as an oncologist / pathologist for over 20 years and am deeply appalled at the amount of misinformation that is being spread on this website. I have been reading this site for quite some time and I have not been able to find any reliable information on cancer anywhere here, neither on the nature of cancer nor on the best way to treat it.

The way he abuses Patrick Swayze’s death to rant against standard medicine and the suggestion that he would have been much better off had he not been cured with alternative medicine is beyond description.

This is how I answered:

“Are you surprised? I’m shocked sir!”

And I, sir, am deeply appalled by the misinformation that is constantly being spread by conventional medicine and the global pharmaceutical industries.

Are you proud to be in a profession that has failed so miserably against cancer since “The War on Cancer” was declared nearly forty years ago and promised a cure within a few years? What we have now, after all these years and after all the billions that have been spent, is not a blanket cure in sight and an inflated $ 300 to $ 400 billion a year industry whose existence and continued profits they depend on NOT finding a cure for cancer.

Meanwhile, despite statistical manipulations trying to put a positive spin on the dismal results of conventional cancer treatments, each year more people get cancer and die of cancer.

Do you know that you are part of a profession that is among the top three causes of death in the US by the AMA’s own admission, and that it has such a sordid record of turning curing disease into managing disease? for profit? Do you even know the history of your profession? If not, see my article:

Modern Medicine: How Curing Disease Became Disease Management

It is not what is taught in medical school, but it is difficult to argue with history and facts.

I am further amazed that mainstream oncology continues to use the tried and failed methods of trying to eliminate, burn or poison the mere symptoms of cancer without addressing the root causes of cancer and that countries pay little attention to prevention or the role of diet. . , lifestyle, proper nutrition, elimination of toxins from the body and the environment and stress.

Beyond being shocked, I am absolutely appalled at how mainstream medicine has suppressed and pursued natural alternatives to its harmful non-natural medications and invasive treatments. To get an idea of ​​how far your profession will go and who controls it to avoid competition, I suggest you read “Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine.” by Former New York State Assemblyman Daniel Haley. Shameful beyond belief!

Why did more than 75% of oncologists surveyed say they would not take chemotherapy if they had cancer due to low success rates and horrible side effects, and yet in more than 75% of cases these same oncologists prescribe chemotherapy your cancer patients? Could it be because the typical oncologist makes about 75% of their income from the margins they make from the chemotherapy drugs they prescribe?

Is your own livelihood and lifestyle largely sustained by dispensing toxic chemotherapy drugs that are often Class 1 carcinogens? Did you know that the “gold standard” of chemotherapy, Taxol, can result in “extensive metastases months or even years later” because it causes “a massive release of (cancer) cells into the circulation,” as reported in the 27th annual edition? San Antonio Symposium on Breast Cancer. Are you wondering, or can you explain, why this spread of cancer is not even among the side effects of Taxol?

Did you get a “science-based” education at a university funded largely by pharmaceutical companies that – surprise! surprise! – taught him that the way to treat disease is to prescribe approved drugs made by guess who? And that it taught practically nothing about diet, prevention, or natural alternatives?

A doctor friend of mine said that in all his time in medical school he only experienced a single lecture on diet and nutrition. This same doctor, who became a doctor almost 40 years ago, switched to naturopathic treatment about 15 years ago because he saw that he was simply managing symptoms with medications that led to more illnesses and more medications in an endless cycle. He said it was a very profitable system, but that he became a doctor in the first place because he wanted to heal people, and conventional drugs and methods weren’t working.

If you think insinuating that Patrick Swayze might have been better off using alternative “beggars description” methods, then how would you describe the fact that conventional medicine has a near zero percent five-year survival rate for cancer? pancreas when there are still many people? alive after five years who chose natural and alternative treatments for their pancreatic cancers?

I am even more horrified, though not surprisingly, that a conventional medical education has failed to teach you that while you may be able to kill or slow the spread of a virus by starving the body, if the body dies from starvation, cancer cells simply consume the cells of the body, tissues and organs around them, they will mutate healthy cells and continue to multiply.

The chemotherapy that your profession prescribes 75% of the time exacerbates the problem not only by damaging the immune system, but also by indiscriminately killing and damaging healthy cells, causing diseased areas of the body leading to additional disease and the shutdown of various organs. The closure of the body (physical death) is the end result. If medical school had properly taught you about the importance of nutrition and the role of the immune system, nature’s first line of defense against cancer and other diseases, then you would know that you take in all the nutrients the body needs, including whole foods and fats. and proteins, to produce and maintain a healthy immune system.

Yes, his profession surely did wonders for Swayze by telling him to “starve his body to starve his cancer” and watch him die of a debilitating disease.

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