Feminist fraud factions covering up tyranny against fathers in family court

Fathers are being destroyed under the tyrannical feminist policies of the family courts. A massive state industry is based and financed on their court rulings against the father. This article looks at the various factions in this industry and within society that help cover up this tyranny against parents, family, and freedom.


Family court proceedings and rulings in divorce and paternity suits overwhelmingly deny fathers their parental rights to directly care for and support their children. All constitutional due process is ignored as the state and the mother virtually kidnap the father’s children and then extort debilitating and destructive payments – euphemistically called child support – from him for up to 22 years and whatever the mother wants.

This puts the father in a virtual position of slave with no constitutional rights and easily imprisoned if he cannot pay all that is required by the court. Any accusation of abuse that the mother makes against the father will also guarantee this situation. It is a criminalizing, extortive process that lacks due constitutional process.

The courts use “greater good” excuse laws—specifically, the best interests of the child and the safety of women abuse excuses—promoted, supported, and upheld by feminists and women’s rights adherents. These laws unconstitutionally nullify the fundamental rights and protections that our constitution is supposed to guarantee to each of us. The laws of the ‘greater good’ are always the excuse for tyrannies. Our individual fundamental rights and protection are supposed to be the greatest good of freedom.

A state industry, I call it the Divorce and Domestic Violence Industry (DDVI), has exploded in the last 40 years and its funding, directly or indirectly, is based on the denial of fundamental rights that parents face in court of family. DDVI includes the judicial, executive, and legislative departments, both at the state and federal levels, and all affiliates that help adjudicate, prosecute, extort, and punish parents under these tyrannical family courts. State and national child support payments and massive Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funding result in huge fees, commissions, penalties, and job security for all components of DDVI.

-The Feminist Fraud – a wolf in sheep’s clothing:

Feminist ideas and adherents have permeated all aspects of society: education, business, government, and the media. In fact, it is popular that many politicians, including men, consider themselves feminists. That is because they are in favor of “equal rights” or “equal opportunities” for women.

But feminist fraud is the misconception that feminism simply means equal opportunity for women when, in fact, state-enforced feminist policies, especially in court proceedings, have forced feminist sexism against men and the denial fundamental rights and protections for men and fathers. Much of the grassroots feminist propaganda had distorted the facts to push their agenda of privilege for women, often called women’s rights, but directly denying the constitutional rights of men.

It is based on false propaganda that men are bad and women are good. It is a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. The perversion of our laws and policies has used the propaganda and obfuscation of these denials of most fundamental rights. True freedom means the protection of individual rights: the inalienable rights that were created to guarantee each one of us. Communism and Nazism, the tyrannies of the 20th century, professed other rights, social rights, as more important than individual rights. They of course needed to impose their ‘rights’ and ‘points of view’ as these are ultimately unnatural rights and undermine our natural freedoms. Socialism is the handmaiden of such tyrannies, and more so broader socialist policies and mandates permeate society.

The feminist intolerance of the ‘PC’ that we have all come to know reflects the suppression of any criticism of whatever feminist/women’s politics is being pushed or imposed. It reflects the mindset that underlies most feminism. That is why it is better to characterize it as feminazism.

The fruit of state-enforced feminism is most evident in family courts, where fit fathers under women’s complaints are virtually criminalized and enslaved without due constitutional process. There is no equality of opportunity, or equality of results, allowed in these courts, as feminism would demand in any other circumstance! And all the procedures are ready to suppress the conscience of this unjust circumstance.

Through the sentences of the family courts, the most dramatic reengineering of society is taking place in a matriarchal tyranny based on enslaving parents to fulfill their responsibility (slave) deprived of their fundamental rights of paternity, benefits and other constitutional protections. The enormous consequences of these policies instigated and maintained by feminists are shown in the social pathology facing children today and the destruction of parents and family and of course freedom.

-The feminist fractions of fraud that maintain this tyranny against parents:

Imposing state feminism that denies fathers their parental rights while propagandizing the ‘divide and rule’ strategy bad-men/good-women are three main factions of society. Together, they wield enormous power to implement this tyranny, but at the same time cover up the effective denial of rights on which this tyranny is based.

Is it so:

* Judicial-led government powers for their anti-parental and unfair court orders from the family courts. It enforces the excuse laws of the greater good against men and fathers.

* Rights-related organizations that impose their point of view on society through the rights and safety of women. These include national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They imposed the same kind of ‘greater good’ excuse laws and policies that deny parents what we consider fundamental rights. They ignore the fundamental rights of fathers when confronted with feminist/women’s rights issues.

* PC media, which make up most of the media, press and TV. They spin events to favor a would-be feminist or simply ignore or suppress anything that exposes the horrendous injustice being done especially to fathers.

-What kind of people would cover up such injustice:

There are three categories of people within these factions that keep this tyranny going, and hidden. Is it so

1. Those who work to advance the feminist agenda – are willing to trample on the fundamental rights of men and fathers. They are out there in great numbers hiding under the feminist fraud, that is, the ‘equal opportunity’ or ‘equality’ lie.

2. Those who know that something is very wrong. They can see it and they are afraid to speak. They don’t want to be ostracized, miss out on a possible promotion or lose their jobs for being ‘insensitive’ to propaganda about the plight of women.

3. Those who are not clear about what is happening or do not want to think about it, or are simply brainwashed with feminism and cannot or refuse to see the injustice clearly. They just leave it to others and collect their $200 for going through the process.

The first category of people represents the ideologues of feminazism. They are the key leaders and workers who gave birth to this tyranny and now enforce its malicious ways. They are prevalent in the three feminist fraud factions mentioned above.

The last two classes of people are the cowards necessary for any tyranny to prevail. Such types flourish as the moral character of a society degenerates and tyranny grows. They are the ones who will claim, later, that ‘they were just doing their job’.

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