Flat abs for tennis players

The importance of a strong core for tennis players cannot be overstated. Having a strong core is essential to playing your best game. With a strong core, you can have incredible stamina and shot power. It’s essential to playing your best game and it all starts with flattening that stomach!

If it were as easy as a magic wand or a pill, everyone would be healthy and slim. The truth is that just about everyone has the latest and greatest when it comes to losing fat or building their abs. As a tennis player, you can’t waste your time with hype that isn’t worth it. You need that time to plan and train on the pitch.

The way to get flatter abs and improve your tennis game is to stop following the myths and trends that are being pushed by the media. If any of those so-called shows really worked, most of the people you see on the street would look like cover models. The plain and simple truth is that most of those things don’t work and were actually put together to get your money. What you really need is a plan; has an ACTUAL plan. There is information available to you that will give you the core you want. You may have to search a bit, but it’s out there. You have to change the way you think about exercise, nutrition and your ab training.

The old regimen of 30 to 45 minutes of cardio as many times a week as you can is dead. While cardio is great for your game, it shouldn’t be considered too much when looking to tighten those abs and reduce body fat to acceptable percentages. The best way to get the solid core you need is with a responsible eating plan and resistance training. Yes, you’ll need to pump up some iron, but it doesn’t have to mean a daily trip to the gym. In fact, resistance training can fit right into your current schedule and in a matter of a week you can start seeing results in both your body image and your game.

If you focus on building solid lean muscle, the fat will fall off as a natural result of this process and you will see your shooting power improve as well as your energy level. This means an overall game-strengthening experience. You’ll also see a noticeable difference in your win/loss record as your focus improves. Only resistance exercise training can do this for you.

So, it is a simple scenario to improve your tennis. Stop exercising more and start exercising smarter with a good eating plan and resistance training. You will definitely feel and see the difference in your game. I guarantee it!

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