How to avoid adolescent obesity?

Chubby kids always tend to look adorable. But what differentiates chubby children from obese ones? Obesity has been a growing concern for both parents and doctors around the world, as it is one of the most important medical concerns among adolescents today. Obesity among adolescents can lead to a host of medical problems in addition to the emotional and social problems that adolescents are subject to because of their weight. In addition to these related health concerns in adults, such as strokes and heart attacks, they have also been attributed to obesity during childhood, since obese children more often than not remain obese into adulthood.

What is obesity in adolescents?
Obesity is a condition in which the adolescent’s body weight is at least 20% higher than the accepted healthy weight based on the adolescent’s height. A percentage of body fat greater than 35% in boys and 32% in girls also defines adolescent obesity.

How to prevent obesity in adolescents?

· Diet: Make sure your teen knows about healthy, low-fat snacks. Avoid anything that comes out of the box, and monitor the nutritional value of the foods your teen eats. Sugary drinks, processed foods, and high-fat fast food should be avoided. Try to exercise restraint and full control if your teen insists on eating some of these avoidable foods. Greens, greens, lean meat, fruit, and plenty of water should form a good part of your teen’s diet plan.

· Physical Habits: You should limit your teen’s amount of computer, video game, or TV time. Too much of any of these makes your teen lazy and puts them on the fast track to obesity. Spending hours in front of the computer or television also encourages snacking which leads to weight gain. Encourage your teens to get outside and play so they can become physically active. Introduce them to some physically active sport like soccer, tennis, swimming, etc. so they develop a love of the outdoors.

· Do not tempt your adolescent children: Do not fill the pantry with sweets such as sweets, chocolates, candies, etc. that might tempt your teen. Even if you try to regulate the consumption of these treats, your teen will be tempted to get their hands on these treats.

Lead by example: Don’t expect your teen to be physically active and have good eating habits by spending time lying on the couch, watching TV, and eating chips! Your teenager will follow everything you do and therefore it is important to set an example for your teenagers so that they can follow their healthy pattern and grow up to be healthy and fit people.

Almost all food companies primarily target teenagers in their advertising campaigns. It is up to you, as a responsible parent, to ensure that your teenager does not fall victim to such ads. Help your teenager by advising and guiding them on the benefits of healthy eating and the prevention of obesity. In the book “Solving Adolescent Problems”, several more tips and causes of adolescent obesity have been provided. Along with this, the book also addresses various eating disorders, which can lead to adolescent obesity; their causes and advice to solve them.

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