How to be unstoppable in network marketing

Before you start!

As you study every word in this article, you’ll be amazed at what you can learn about public speaking as a network marketer, even if you’ve never performed on stage before.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you were invited to speak at every global event your company plans to host for the coming year and visit multiple amazing places around the world? Wouldn’t this help to broaden your network, teach you a lot more about your company and the people in it, get more sales, and most importantly enjoy your time and have fun for free?

Why is it so crucial?

You probably already know this; But why does mastering the skill of public speaking play an important role in shaping your future as a Network Marketer? Why is it so crucial to your success?

I can list many benefits here, but the main ones can be:

– Position yourself as a leader in your company

– Become the right person. The expert who has the answer to every question

– Up your financial game “The guy on stage is the guy who makes the most money in the room”

– Stage time is golden time.

– Build a strong team, because once you’re on stage; every potential prospect wants to be on your team

– Get recognized and start speaking at your company’s international events and conventions.

Are you beginning to see how mastering the skill of public speaking is clearly imperative to your success as a Network Marketer?

“Why do you try your whole life to fit in, when you were born to stand out?”

A must have skill

Throughout my experience as a professional network vendor and public speaker, and before that as an engineer and business owner, I have seen many business owners, engineers, and network vendors who have all the skills they need to become millionaires and leaders in their field, but they are not doing it

They are just one presentation, one presentation away from taking their fortune, their career and their entire life to the next level, and yet they are not doing it.

Often because they have all the skills they need to be successful, but are still missing the most important one: public speaking in front of coworkers, subordinates, team members, or even friends.

Let me ask you a question, do you speak? Yes, I’m sure you do. OKAY! Congratulations, you are halfway there. Now, all we have to do is get you to speak in public! As simple as that. It’s easy, but still don’t try to do it by yourself, then it will be as easy as eating soup with a fork.

Public speaking is an art. Whether the group is small or large, many people find the process completely overwhelming. As the famous Jerry Seinfeld joke goes: “If you have to be at a funeral, you’d rather be at the coffin than do the eulogy.”

Funny but not true, I totally disagree with Jerry “I love the guy though.” It’s just not true, public speaking is actually much simpler than this.

What do you really need?

If you need:

1- The right training where you can learn the right world class public speaking skills

2- Help and mentorship for effective and ruthless feedback that will carve the pro speaker out of the newbie you’re stuck with right now.

3- Prepare and rehearse, prepare and rehearse, then prepare and rehearse

4- A strong why. A because; strong enough to make you endure a delivery, regardless of what the “little you” inside your head is rumbling with

5- The spirit of giving, giving, giving and always giving, and never asking for something in return.

What do you not need at all?

No, you don’t need:

1- To remember everything you have to say

2- Imagine all your audiences naked to take away their fear

3- Paying a fortune to learn this ability that you were born with but got buried inside of you somehow

4- Being an NLP master coach, a specialist in body language or a master hypnotist “This one makes me smile”

5- You don’t need Power Point slides every time you make a presentation

This is all you really do and don’t need.

Help is available, use it!

I was in the same place where you are now a little over a year ago and today I became an international speaker. Simply because I listened to my mentor and focused only on what I need while he said everything I don’t need. By doing this, I was even able to become an award-winning speaker, certified public speaking coach and mentor, and start mentoring beginning speakers.

If I did it, you absolutely can do it, and I’ll be happy to help you. Start improving your public speaking and become the public speaking expert who has always wanted to be shorter than he ever imagined. Start now, because:

“The only moment is NOW! It is what you called Future a second ago, and what you will call Past a second from now.”

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