How to get along with your in-laws peacefully

This is a moving topic for all parties involved. In general, mothers-in-law can be a bit difficult to deal with, mainly because they want to remain the center of attention for their child, and now they know they won’t be. There are mothers-in-law who are calm, sweet and good-natured. There are also some that are definitely not.

Most people will tell you that it’s not a big deal to get along with dads because they don’t normally get involved in all kinds of drama. For moms, that’s another story.
Mothers-in-law are also used to running the show as far as their families are concerned and now they may not be able to because the stage now has to be officially shared.

Some tips on how to keep the peace may include:
Ignore everything you can and do your best not to listen to him. If you ignore the drama, part of it will stop. Don’t tell him too much, most of the time everything will turn against you. On rare occasions, a mother-in-law who intrudes into your life and forces her opinions on you, she will become some kind of friend to you. Don’t block her completely because you’ll just annoy your husband by doing it and it’s really not a good way to do it. If you prefer not to be with her as much and you have children, arrange for her to take you places or spend time with them. This will satisfy her grandma’s needs and give the illusion that you’re closer to her than you really are, so points to you.

Don’t leave anything personal on a desk or counter when you visit. Besides, it’s not really your business anyway. If every Christmas she has always made her special ham, leave her! Who really cares anyway and it will serve as another way to keep her quiet, which is less for you. Do not argue or correct your husband in front of her, he will attack you. Never tell him what anything costs and always, always, always tell him whatever was on sale. If you end up having to lie to him about something, let your husband know so he doesn’t mess things up and say something inappropriate to you. If she really wears you down, you can always tell her that it looks like you’ll be the one to take care of her in case she gets really sick, so does she really want to fight you or does she not get along with you knowing this?

It is certainly not right to lie to anyone. That said, do you want peace or some honesty reward? Chances are you want peace like most people. Another great way to do this is to have your mom present at events at your house as often as possible. It’s like hiring a security guard but you don’t have to pay for him. Good luck to her and she will quickly learn how to get along with the in-laws or how not to get along with them. Try to get along with them as a gift to her husband, it’s the best way to go.

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