I’ll Spit on Your Grave Horror Movie Synopsis

I Spit On Your Grave is a 1978 revenge film that has divided many movie fans, even horror enthusiasts, for its lengthy depictions of gang rape and violence. It follows the story of Jennifer Hills (Camille Keaton), a short story writer who retires to a lakeside cabin to spend some quality time writing. His presence alarms some local men, including Johnny (Eron Tabor), the gas station manager, unemployed acquaintances Stanley (Anthony Nichols) and Andy (Gunter Kleemann), and delivery man Matthew (Richard Pace), a mentally slow young man.

Matthew tells the others that he saw Jennifer’s breasts, piquing the interest of Stanley and Andy, who decide to stop by the cabin and stay outside on a speedboat. They find her resting in a canoe and tow her back to shore. Jennifer is scared, but she can’t elude them, especially when Johnny shows up, intending to use Jennifer for the virgin Matthew’s first time. Matthew initially refuses to participate, but Jennifer is eventually pursued by the other three men. Johnny raps it first, followed by Andy, and finally Matthew and Stanley. Violators even take the time to ridicule and destroy your manuscript in progress.

Johnny determines that Jennifer has to die as he witnesses her rape and orders Matthew to kill her. Matthew can’t bring himself to do it, so he just pretends to stab her and splatters her blood. He tells the others that she is dead.

However, Jennifer is not dead and recovers from the attack. She reconstructs her manuscript and goes to church to do penance, in anticipation of future sin. When the gang discovers that Jennifer is still alive, they attack Matthew for lying.

Jennifer begins her plan for revenge, first by ordering a grocery delivery so she can meet up with Matthew. Matthew is suspicious, but Jennifer lures him in for consensual sex under a tree. She takes the opportunity to tie a noose around her neck and induce death by hanging. Johnny is the next to be seduced and rides in Jennifer’s car. She pulls a gun on him, but Johnny still insists the rapes were her fault. Jennifer tells Johnny about Matthew’s death just as she brings him to orgasm and then stabs his genitals with a knife, causing him to bleed to death.

Stanley and Andy decide to visit Jennifer after discovering Johnny’s disappearance and bringing his guns. However, Jennifer catches them off guard by getting into the boat and pushing it into the water. She uses the ax to kill Andy and prepares to kill Stanley. Stanley begs for her life, but she refuses, taunting him with the exact same words he said to her during the rape. After Stanley’s disembowelment, she escapes on the boat and presumably spits on all the graves of her in spirit, as she has already disposed of most of the bodies.

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