Learn how to break 80 by removing one side of the golf course

This is very important to be able to play golf well. Neither you nor the professional golfers hit the ball perfectly every time. Golf is a game of misses. The golfers who can best manage their misses will get the best scores.

Each body has a natural draft shape and an associated pattern of failures. After applying the techniques on this material, you’ll be well on your way to a powerful fade or draw.

Now this fade I’m referring to isn’t the same banana chunk you hit now, by the end of this book you’ll be able to turn it into a powerful fade (or draw if you want) that throws powerfully and moves around. maybe 10 yards from left to right.

There are clear advantages to doing a fade vs. a draw, so you can choose even after learning how to press the draw to continue your fade, again, not the wicked slice you hit now. 🙂

A fade is easier to control, mainly because it will launch a bit higher and have more recoil, so with these two attributes combined when it lands it will usually stay pretty close to that spot.

On the other hand, a draw will generally launch lower with more overspin, causing it to deplete more when it lands, which is good for distance, for accuracy…not so much.

If you are a golfer who struggles to get the ball 200-250 yards with your driver, I highly recommend implementing and fully developing a shot shot form as your primary shot form. You need all the extra help you can get AND your misses won’t be as bad as someone who hits 300, for example.

Tiger and Phil, for example, benefit a lot more from a fade shot, because if they get their drawing even slightly wrong, the results can be VERY bad.

However, you have to commit to one of those types of shots. The worst feeling in golf is when you’re standing on the tee with problems on both sides and you have no idea which way your ball is going to go.

So you have to commit to playing a draw or fade, and I don’t mean every single shot. Trust me, you do NOT need to know how to work the ball to break 80. To break 70 yes, 80 no. What I mean is that you should commit to one shooting style, preferably the one that occurs naturally and practice THAT on the driving range and when you play.

I am currently giving away the Bogey Killer book for FREE on my website. Click on Golf Lessons [http://www.bogeykiller.com] To download it!

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