Princess Diana – Numerology of famous people – How it works and how it can help you

Numerology – Princess Diana – Jul 1, 1961


– – 6 – 9

111 – -7

Path of life 25/7. Life path number 7 signifies wisdom and knowledge, mysticism and spirituality. They analyze, investigate and search for hidden information in the world around them. As a result, they tend to be introspective and can appear aloof/aloof. However, sevens may strive for a balanced outlook on life and may have difficulty enjoying social interaction. Specialists, perfectionists and brilliant thinkers, they seek deeper truths. On the negative side, they can be cunning and deceitful.

Princess Diana is a harmonious 7: She is perceptive and has poise.

She shows no lines of force on her chart. His only line of weakness from her is the Line of Sensitivity! Very sensitive to other people’s opinions; a victim of self-doubt, who regularly needs comfort from those close to her. When feeling positive, 7s trust others enough to open their hearts, take emotional risks, and share feelings. When they are negative, they feel bitter, betrayed, paranoid; They do not trust themselves or others.

The number 1 also figures prominently in your numerology, representing the divine spark of original will. They can appear brave and original. Ambition is a strong force at a 1. The teen years and early adult years can be an intense struggle for independence and self-identity. Ones are frequently in positions of responsibility and influence.

25/7s need privacy and independence, which makes it difficult to form relationships, they usually don’t trust enough to share inner feelings, they tend to isolate themselves. However, they have a deep desire to help others, to make a difference, to contribute in some way. Like a puppy, they are afraid to approach strangers but can play like children.

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How is your numerology? Does this ring a bell?

You can discover what really makes you tick with this ancient technique that has been around for eons in the East but has been buried, by science, in the West. However, it is more of a science than a mystical belief. It is based on the teachings of the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, and will tell you more about yourself than anything else you have ever known. Depending on your date of birth, it can help you:

o Find your true self, instead of the one you’ve been faking it with!

o Find out what you are good at and why

It helps with friendships and relationships, and will give you a newfound confidence. It took me years of searching to find the real me, then I found this. It gave me an insight into myself and my personality that really moved me, things that no one had ever told me before… “Being a 10, you have the ability to work on the cutting edge, but you walk away from this kind of environment making me uncomfortable.” due to the double sensitivity of your life path number…” When I read this, I thought hmm-mm, maybe this person understands me!

– See also The I Ching of Princess Diana!

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