Proform 780 CSE – An Elliptical Trainer for Fitness Enthusiasts of Various Fitness Levels

The Proform 780 CSE is an elliptical trainer that packs features into its affordable price. The size is compact, but it offers the features that workout enthusiasts of all fitness levels are looking for. There are numerous programs to choose from, as well as choosing the muscle groups you want to target.

Up to 12 resistance levels are available to meet the challenging needs of each user. Each of them can be easily accessed by pressing a button on the console. What makes the type of resistance it offers unique is Silent Magnetic Resistance, or SMR for short. The flywheel uses resistance that is magnetic in nature, resulting in a fluid and constant motion.

Additionally, there are a total of 8 training programs, each designed by certified fitness instructors. As your fitness level gradually increases, the 780 CSE can easily catch up. These training programs are classified according to the type of training required. They include cardio, weight loss and performance programs.

Two of these 8 programs focus on allowing you to reach and maintain a certain heart rate. They are a useful tool to perfectly meet the demands of your current training regimen. Then there is also the unique Quick Target Toning feature, which allows you to exercise problem areas of the body. Select the muscle group you want to target and let the machine automatically adjust your speed, incline, etc. To provide what you need.

Do you like to play loud music to keep boredom at bay while exercising? No problem: the 780 CSE comes with built-in speakers. Work out to your favorite tunes by simply connecting your pocket music player to this exercise machine. To avoid having to set up a separate electric fan, there is the integrated AutoBreeze training fan.

Stride length measures a total of 18 inches. Among home exercise machines of the same type, the 18-inch ones aren’t the best out there. Some even come as long as 35 inches. Because of this, very tall people may find it a problem. In addition, some important components are missing, such as compatibility with the innovative iFit fitness technology.

But for being in the affordable price range, the Proform 780 CSE elliptical trainer is impressive enough. It is designed to meet virtually every fitness level of the user, with a variety of training programs to choose from. This machine has a maximum user capacity of 300 pounds. And it has the SpaceSaver design, which allows you to fold it up when not in use.a

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