Safe Bird Air Purifiers – 5 Features to Avoid

Choosing a safe air purifier for your bird is one of the most important decisions you will make. Your cleaner should be effective and safe for your avian friend, as well as the humans who live with him. Here are 5 features to avoid in a purifier.

ozone generators— Ozone is a harmful gas that can cause lung irritation and respiratory problems, especially in those who already suffer from asthma, emphysema and other respiratory diseases. It is particularly harmful to children and the elderly. And with the sensitive respiratory system of birds, it is not a good choice for birds.

With all the health problems it can cause, this technology has not been found to be effective in removing contaminants until the levels are extremely high. It can also cause the production of toxic byproducts like formaldehyde when combined with certain indoor pollutants. The bottom line is that you don’t want it in your home or office.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that “…ozone is generally ineffective in controlling indoor air pollution.”

ionizer— This type of cleaner draws in air and uses electricity to charge the particles which are then drawn to a collector plate in the unit. The problem is that sometimes these particles escape.

When inhaled, these charged particles are more likely to stick to the lungs. That is exactly what you don’t want to happen with your bird or with humans. It is also believed that this type of technology also produces some ozone. Why risk any of this with your life or the life of your bird?

Plastic shell— An effective cleaner must be able to run 24 hours a day to keep up with the dust, dander, feathers and other pollutants your bird produces 24 hours a day.

Once the motor gets hot, it causes the plastic casing to get hot as well. This often results in the emission of harmful gases into the air. Birds are particularly vulnerable to odors and gases, and these fumes can be fatal to your pet. The steel casing prevents this type of gas emission.

a filter— A filter cannot remove polluting particles and gases. And a unit with a filter is guaranteed to need frequent filter changes. This means that the air quality will suffer any time you perform maintenance and the unit is not filtering the air. It also means additional expense to run the unit with minimal effectiveness because it can’t adequately remove everything it needs to.

A better option would be a cleaner that contains a filter for gaseous and particulate contaminants. Carbon filters are well known for their ability to remove gases, odors, and chemicals. And HEPA, or high-efficiency particulate arrest, filters are best for removing particulates. A purifier with both types of filters will give you the full coverage you need.

one side entry— Added to the fact that it can only draw in air from one side seriously limits its placement flexibility in your room. A better option is a unit with 360 degree input. This would allow you to place it anywhere in the room with only about 6 inches of clearance needed for it to work efficiently.

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