Scrawn’s Secret to Brawn

So do you want to gain weight? So you ask yourself: Can anyone go from scrawny to muscular? Before you start doubting, let me tell you: the answer is yes.

At first, it seems strange that someone would start thinking about gaining weight. This world is all about shallowness: the thinner the better. No?

Well, there are those who are born skinny and weak. And no matter how many methods of pulling, or how hard the effort, some of us need to gain weight. At least, to stop looking like a weakling.

Yes, it’s that dreaded feeling when you, especially a man, look weak and vulnerable. And the feeling of inferiority when you’re next to someone with bulging biceps.


What can you do to power your way to building impressive biceps?

First, you need a weight gain plan. It’s not enough to say, “I want to gain weight.” It all starts with a goal. And you need to seriously plan how much weight you need to gain within a certain period of time. Start by having a diet plan. Plan how much weight you want to gain in a week. Set a goal for weeks, months, and then years.

Then jot down which body part you want to start building first. Is it the biceps? Or your abs. Have a specific area. It will put your mind to work towards your goal little by little. And that, my friend, is the key to success.

Then focus on food intake. Include carbohydrates and proteins in your diet. These are the ones that will give you mass and lean. Remember, what you want to achieve is gaining lean muscle. With higher calorie intake, don’t forget to combine it with some weight training. (Remember those specific areas? Train those parts first.)

To speed up your bodybuilding program, avoid junk food. Junk food can contain a lot of carbohydrates. Or so you think. Load of whole foods. Foods that bring you goodness instead of useless fats. What is a good diet to gain weight? Here it is for your information: 30 – 50% protein, 20 – 50% carbohydrates and 20 – 40% fat. Take note to include essential fatty acids.

Now for the workouts. Include some smart bodybuilding workouts. Don’t overwhelm your body with overboard workouts. It is important not to stress your body. Otherwise, you’ll be compensating for muscle stress, not gaining weight or building muscle. Simple logic: if you’re tired, do you think you’ll be producing great work at work? If you rest your body and relax your mind, won’t you find that you produce better ideas at work? The same for your body.

Finally, you need a mentor to guide you through the tricks to turn a scrawny body into a muscular one. With a little motivation, smart planning, and an instructional program to guide you, you’ll be on your way to a more impressive body.

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